30 January 2011

Rescue Dog Clashes With Curtains, Returned

9.5 km - 55.45 min - 9,780 steps
Cold and prickly wind, had to run much faster than usual to warm up, dogs keeping up and enjoying a faster run.

Here's part of an incredible story from the Daily Telegraph (read in full at their site):

The woman, who has not been named, picked up the Jack Russell called Harvey from the Jasmil Kennels and Cattery in Lower Halstow, near Sittingbourne, in Kent - but brought the pooch back 48 hours later.
Barry Shuttleworth, who runs the kennels, was 'horrified' when the woman, in her late 40s, gave such a trivial reason for returning the three-year-old ginger and white dog. Mr Shuttleworth, 42, said: 'In one instance we had a woman come to see us a number of times, who loved a little Jack Russell we had called Harvey. It was perfect for her and she took it home. But she brought it back two days later saying it clashed with her curtains and that's why she didn't want it. The same day she took him home she called us up and said there was a problem with Harvey as his colouring clashed with her lounge curtains.'
In the last 18 months the kennels has gone from seeing 30 dogs a month brought in to between 80 and 90.
Honestly, what would she do if her husband's hair clashed with the curtains? Divorce him? Good for Harvey, what a narrow escape. Hope he finds a good home, he's a lovely dog.

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