25 November 2010

Tombe la neige, or the First Snow of the Year

9.8 km - 60.19 min, sunny, hail storm, sunny, snow.

I set out today in bright sunshine. We are in a South-facing nook on a hill but as the dogs and I turned onto an uphill bend the prickly North wind hit me in the face. We went on at a slower pace and, just as we were turning onto the muddy sunken lane sheltered by beeches, hazel and oaks, the hail storm started. I put on my hood and listened to the incessant pit-a-pat of increasingly large hailstones. The dogs seemed unperturbed and still to be enjoying the run. The hailstones petered out and the sun shone again but after a few minutes it started snowing for real - large fluffy flakes turning everything around white.

Oh, the excitement of the first snow! real flakes! And I hadn't believed the British and French forecasts - only to be pleasantly surprised.

Boring note: take special care if running when it's snowing, put on a reflective vest, an arm-band with blinking lights or something else that makes you visible on the road. When snow comes suddenly, drivers do not always adjust quickly to the changing conditions. The road may become very slippery when covered in snow, avoid spots covered with a thick layer of snow, steer to the side of the road or stop to let cars pass. Put dogs on a tight lead, shorten it or make them sit down to let the traffic pass.

And here is a video of the famous Salvatore Adamo song Tombe la neige - The Snow Falls:

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