17 October 2010

Why Not All Farmers Are Grumpy

9.4 km - 61.01 min, 10,244 steps, warm Indian Summer day.

Farmers are rushing about in their huge tractors with mammoth trailers – it's maize harvest. Because harvesters are provided by specialised heavy machinery businesses, not owned by farmers themselves, the cutting and clearing of each field is done very quickly.

I have to stop again and again on narrow lanes to let the agrimonsters drive past - and wave to farmers. It's a done thing in the countryside. They wave and smile back. 

Working in the fields could be a lonely and depressing business. 'Why do I do this when I could be sitting in a warm and clean office pushing paper instead of manure?'

Seeing someone else getting physical can cheer them up. My little contribution towards social cohesion.  

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